- Duration: Individual specifies
- AGES: 7 and up
- Location: In person, Skype and Zoom available, YES, ONLINE photos!
- Highlights: Exculsive coaching with renown Acting Coach, Keynote Speaker and Revealer
What is a CUSTOMIZED Package? The individual decides how many hours, how manyoutfits, specific locations, specific hair and make-up look.... customized.Why is it EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL to have Acting Coach and Revealer Karen LaVoiedo your photos? She is able to assist you in REVEALING your true self! KNOW thy SELF.
REVEALING what is truly available in the MOMENT! ~ To thy OWN SELF TRUE!
This and This alone makes the photos SHINE, POPPED and get the person noticed in a
Karen offers even more! The individuals photos will be UNIQUE and about them, not about the photographer.
Karen scouts locations that support the story her pictures tell on behave of the client. She also assist the individual in picking photography friendly clothing and for an additional cost assist with hair and camera friendly make-up.
Affordable Headshots/Lifestyle photos for the Professional Actor and Personal Advertising
- Digital pictures
- CUSTOMIZED changes of outfits...time shoot photos and changing approx. CUSTOMIZED
- Indoor and outdoor locations: weather permitting
- All raw pictures sent to client using within 48 hours. Approx. 300
- Two headshots photoshopped -High Resolution digital format sent to client via email within 3 working days
Why so many photos? Karen captures the moment and each outfit can tell many stories!
TOTAL TIME: CUSTOMIZED hours for photo taking which includes
clothing changes. The rest of the client's time is spent reviewing photos and picking TOP FAVORITES!
- Additional time billed by the hour at $30 an hour. When purchasing 5 hour package.
- Hair and make-up additional $75
- $30.00 for each additional photoshopped headshot
Cost Is Customized.
3% service fee for credit card charges Paypal "friend" option and cash welcome.